Softerra LDAP Administrator Help | Show AllHide All |
This Options page is used to customize some aspects of the user interface in terms of adjusting the application behavior in a preferred fashion. Below you can see the user interface options provided by LDAP Administrator:
By default, LDAP Administrator displays names of LDAP entries as their RDNs, because you can already see their parent entries in the tree, and the full DN entry name becomes superfluous.
However, for various reasons some entries don't have their parents represented in the tree. These are called virtual entries. For example, at times LDAP Administrator is forced to create top-level entries solely based on the namingContexts attributes, not actually represented in the DIT. In this case, it is possible that RDNs of more than one entry are identical.
Or, when trying to locate an entry with the base DN of your server profile referring to another branch of the directory tree, such entry will be added as a child of your profile and will not have its parent displayed in the tree.
The above examples explain why the application now offers an option of displaying full DNs for such entries - to help you distinguish those from the others by their actual DN.
Softerra LDAP Administrator currently offers two modes for browsing. They are: Auto-Fetch Mode and Manual Mode.
When you have the Auto-Fetch mode enabled, sub-nodes of a tree element are fetched right as you select this element in the tree. With the Manual mode enabled,
it is just the selected element items, which get fetched upon selection. In order to expand sub-nodes of an element, click the
To opt for the Auto-Fetch mode, check the Fetch sub-nodes upon context change box.
In case you wish to make sure that your data are not copied or moved unintentionally, you can choose to disable the Drag-and-Drop feature in both the Scope Pane and Result List View Pane windows by checking the Disable Drag-and-Drop option box.
The Basket is used for managing LDAP entries of different subtrees on several LDAP servers simultaneously. You can hide or show it manually.
If you want the Basket to be shown when an element is added, enable this option by checking the Force Basket to be shown when an element is added box.
If you want to enable autocomplete window in the List View filter bar, check the Enable Autocomplete in filter bar box.
This feature helps you quickly realize what object classes a certain entry is instantiated from. Especially, this feature is advantageous when working with entries consisting of a large number of attributes.
If you want to enable objectClass attribute highlighting, check the Highlight objectClass attribute values box.
This option allows displaying object class-specific icons for LDAP entries. With this option disabled, all LDAP entries are displayed with icon
If you want to enable the display of object class-specific icons, check the Display object class-specific icons for LDAP objects box.
If you want LDAP Administrator to display extra information on errors, such as LDAP Code, Matched DN, etc., check the Display extended error information box.
While browsing or modifying the content of a directory, LDAP Administrator displays errors and other information nodes directly in the application tree. Later these nodes can be removed manually or will just automatically disappear after a specified period of time in order not to bother you any more.
Use this Options page to enable information nodes to hide automatically, as well as to specify their life-time. To activate the feature, check the Automatically hide information nodes box and specify a period of how long you'd like information nodes to remain in view using the drop-down list offered.
The Output Bar displays errors occurring during an LDAP Administrator working session. You can hide or show this bar manually.
If you want the Output Bar hidden in order to free up some space at the bottom of the screen, while still being capable of tracking down possible errors that might occur, enable this option by checking the Force output bar to show when errors occur box.