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<dateTime> element

Specifies a date and time report user parameter.

      <dateTime id="parameter id">
        <name lang="[en|de]>...</name>
        <description lang="[en|de]">...</description>


For this parameter, user can set any date or time value. On the report dialog, this parameter is displayed using a date-time picker control.

The pattern for <dateTime> element is CCYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss, where CC represents the century, YY the year, MM the month, and DD the day, preceded by an optional leading negative (-) character to indicate a negative number. If the negative character is omitted, positive (+) is assumed. The T is the date/time separator, hh, mm, and ss represent hour, minute, and second respectively.


id Required attribute. Identifies the user parameter. The value is used to join report parameters with filter parameters.

Child Elements

<name> Specifies the name of a user parameter.
<description> Specifies the description of a user parameter.
<default> Specifies the default value for a user parameter.

Parent Elements

<userParameters> Specifies parameters that are used in a parameterized search filter.