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With LDAP Administrator you can import directory data from LDIF, DSML, CSV and Plain Text files.
To import directory data from a file:
Select an LDAP entry under which you'd like to import data.
Import Data on the Entry toolbar, or
use the same command from the context menu for the selected entry.
The wizard consists of the following steps:
Select a file that contains data to import. If the importing engine automatically detects a known document type, you will be able to click Import or Next to change document import settings.
If you chose a CSV document to import at the previous step, the wizard will prompt you to specify document formatting options.
The Separators group lets you specify characters to be used as Value separator and/or Field separator. Separators can't be a quote (').
Text qualifiers are used to identify the boundary of the text value. If a field separator character appears within this boundary, it won't be considered as a delimiter. This parameter can't be a quote (').
Starting row specifies the line, starting from which the file will be imported. It is necessary to change this parameter, if your file contains a header, since headers should not be imported.
The File preview list displays the content of the file that will be imported. It allows you to select proper document format options without a need to open it in a text editor.
If you chose a CSV document to import at the first step, the wizard will prompt you to specify document content options.
The Object DN section lets you specify the way objects DNs should be built. To get DNs of the objects that will be imported from the specific column, select the Get DN from column option and choose the corresponding column in the combo-box. To build object DNs from object names and a parent DN for all objects that will be imported, select the Get name from a column and add parent DN option, select the corresponding column in the Column combo-box and specify parent DN in the Parent DN edit box.
The Object Class section allows specifying object classes that should be used for the objects to be imported. To get object classes of objects from the specific column, select the Get class from column option and choose the corresponding column in the combo-box. To use a specific object class for all objects that will be imported, select the Use specific object class option and specify the appropriate object class in the edit box.
The Attributes to import list lets you specify attributes you would like to be imported. If you don't want an attribute to be imported, just uncheck it. Clicking on the Uncheck SAM attributes button excludes Security Account Manager specific attributes from being imported.
The Document preview list displays data entries from the file that will be imported to the directory. Columns that will not be imported are disabled.
At this step you are supposed to choose some extra document options.
The Auto Replacement group provides for a replacement of DN suffixes specified in Pattern with values from the Replace edit control in process of importing data to directory. If Replace DN suffixes in entry attributes is enabled, LDAP Administrator also replaces DN suffixes in all DN attribute values.
The Attribute Set group combines a few settings that control the way an entry's attributes are being processed. The Exclude SAM attributes option ensures that attributes owned by SAM (Security Authentiaction Manager) that can potentially be present in the source document are not sent to the server during import, otherwise an error may occur. Use this option if you're involved with the ActiveDirectory server. The Exclude collective attributes option addresses the so-called collective attributes owned by a special entry, and can be propagated to a certain tree branch, which means that they will appear in every entry from this branch. Please note that this option is very resource consuming, so we recommend you only use it when explicitly required.
The Update existing objects option allows you to update existing objects using the data from the file instead of throwing the 'Object already exists' error.
The Correct record order option points LDAP Administrator to always import child entries after parent objects.
If Commit DN syntax attributes after all entries are imported option is selected, all object properties that refer to other objects are saved to the directory after all records are imported. This is useful if a parent object contains a DN syntax property referring to a child object.
Importing data may take quite a long time. To track import progress, use the
Importing Data dialog displayed in the right-hand side bottom
corner of the screen. To abort importing data, click Stop inside
the dialog or click
Stop Operation on the Standard toolbar.