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If you need to save a current state of a directory subtree, you can export it to a file. In order to be able to export directory data, LDAP Administrator provides the Export Data Wizard, which not only allows exporting directory information using multiple formats, but also specifying search criteria like search scope and LDAP filter, sending export files by e-mail and finally specifying how exactly the exported data will be represented in a destination file.
To export directory data to a file:
Select LDAP entries you'd like to export.
Export Data on the Entry toolbar, or use the same command from the context menu for the selected entry.
The wizard has got the following steps:
Search results can be stored in a number of formats. This wizard page offers you to choose one of the following search result file formats:
MS Excel
All generated MS Excel documents can be of two different types of layout: Singletable and Multitable. In the Multitable layout, entries are represented one after another, each being inside its own separate table in a manner that the first column contains an attribute name with the next one having its values. Singletable is a sort of an Excel pivot table whose columns represent attribute types while rows each contain an exported entry.
This page also contains some Excel specific formatting options. Cell Format determines how cells with attribute values are to be formatted. The Text format type treats cell values as text even if it actually contains a number. This way cell data will be displayed exactly as it is stored in the directory. The General format setting means that it is up to Excel to figure out the actual format of the stored data and apply formatting accordingly. However, please note that choosing this option may potentialy lead to data loss. Finally, Freeze header determines whether or not table headers in the Multitable layout will be frozen.
Plain Text
Learn more about these file formats.
Here you are expected to specify the file name and location for the report file being saved. By default, the file path will be pointing to the "My LDAP Documents" folder. To change this folder or file name, enter an alternative name into the File Name box or press the Browse button.
If you want to send the report file by e-mail, check the Send by e-mail when exported box. If checked and after the file has been built, you'll be able to send it using your default e-mail client.
On this page you can adjust the LDAP settings responsible for querying exported data.
Search Filter.
Search filter specifies the criteria an entry must match in order to be properly exported. You can specify an LDAP filter in order to apply limitations to the result data set so to export just the information you need. By default, the search filter is '(objectClass=*)' and it means that all the available entries will be exported. To be able to filter exported results, enter your preferred LDAP filter into the Search filter box. To specify a filter, you can use LDAP Filter Builder, which is launched by clicking the button inside the edit box.
Search Scope. By modifying the search scope, you can set how deep down the directory tree from the current entry you need your search to be done. The available scope options are:
Base - to export the current entry only.
One Level - to export all sub-entries of the current entry.
Subtree - to export the current entry with all of its descendants.
Attribute Set. By default, exported are all of the user (non-operational) attributes. However, this group of controls allows changing this kind of behavior. The Attributes multiline edit control displays a currently selected set of attributes to be exported. You can modify this set with the help of the Exported Attributes property page to be accessed by clicking the Edit button. The Exclude SAM attributes control allows excluding all atributes owned by Security Authentication Manager from the result set. This option makes sence only if you're involved with Active Directory servers. Enabling this option could be helpful when you plan to use the document currently exported for import some time in the future. Enable the Exclude collective attributes option if your tree branch being exported has collective attributes. Collective attributes are those which do not actually belong to a specific entry but are rather shared within a set of entries. We suggest you only use this option if expressly required, because it slows down the overall export perfomance quite considerably.
Paging Policy. If the server you are working with has search result paging capabilities, you can enable or disable paging during export and also define Page Size. By default, and if at all available, this option is turned on. It might prove very helpful when you're about to export a branch with numberous descendants, whose amount exceeds the server side limit.
At this step you are supposed to choose a line break style as well as some extra document options.
In case you opt for the Unix style, line breaks will be represented by the 0x0A code symbol, while for Windows it's going to be the 0x0D 0x0A sequence. In case you don't want any line breaks to be inserted in the destination document, choose the No line breaks option.
If you do not want an extra header in the destination file, check the Disable extra document header box. The extra header contains information as to the file creation date and time, server host and port and the version of LDAP Administrator which it has been generated with.
By checking the Disable indenting lines box, you will force the whole document to be represented with no structurization whatsoever, which can increase the performance while generating the document. This option is enabled for the DSML and HTML formats only.
If you want to export all attribute values exactly as they are stored in the directory, click the Disable decoding of values box.
Separators group allows you to specify character to be used as Value separator and/or Field separator. This option is enabled for the Excel, CSV and Plain Text formats only.
So far this page contains just a single option, which is Auto Replacement. Checking the Replace DN Suffix box will lead to a replacement of DN suffixes specified in Pattern with values from the Replace edit control specified in your destination document.