Softerra LDAP Administrator HelpShow AllHide All

Customizing User Tools

LDAP Administrator lets you add your own commands to the Tools menu. These commands can be associated with any program running under your operational system. You can also specify arguments for any command that you add to the Tools menu.

Note: The number of user-defined commands in the Tools menu is limited to 10.

To customize user-defined commands in the Tools menu, click Customize and then choose the Tools tab.

To add a command to the Tools menu: 

  1. In the Menu contents box, scroll down to the bottom of the list, double-click the blank line, type the display name for the tool and press Enter.

  2. In the Menu contents, highlight the name of the tool you've just entered.

  3. In the Command box, browse or type the program path, for example, C:\Windows\notepad.exe.

  4. In the Arguments box, type any arguments to be passed to the program.

  5. In the Initial Directory box, type the file directory where the command is located.

To edit a command on the Tools menu: 

  1. In the Menu contents box, select the target command.

  2. Then do one or more of the following actions:

    • To move the command up or down one position in the menu, choose the Move Item Up or Move Item Down buttons.

    • To change text, command line, command-line arguments, or the initial directory of the menu, type the new information in the appropriate text box.

    • To specify a shortcut for a command, type an ampersand (&) before any character in the command name appearing in the Menu contents box to make that character the shortcut key. Make sure your new shortcut key is unique and does not conflict with any of the existing shortcuts.

To remove a command from the Tools menu: 

  1. In the Menu contents box, select a command you'd like to remove.

  2. Click the Delete button.

See Also